How To Use F&O Margin Calculators

Fyers F&O Margin Calculator is India’s one of the best online margin calculator that enables you to calculate extensive margin requirements for futures and option writing/shorting when trading equity and currencies on National Stock Exchange (NSE). At Fyers you get the best margin deals for trading in Intraday futures in both equity & currency futures. Read our Margin Policy to know more.

Benefits of using our Margin Calculator:

• You do not have to calculate approximate margins manually.
• It saves you a lot of time & energy.
• Understand the leverage component per scrip on an ongoing basis.
• Scan through the list of banned scrips right here.
• The Margin calculators are always updated on a daily basis.
• Simultaneously you can use our Options Strategies Lab to trade options like a pro. It is a portal where you can take choose from over 43 different strategies without knowing how to construct them. We have done it on your behalf to make your life easier and more efficient. You can choose strategies based on your market outlook and risk preferences. So the amount of time taken to execute strategies like Iron condor & butterfly spreads is almost nullified. Learn how to use it here.

Equity Futures Margin Requirement:

Total margin = SPAN margin (Exchange) + Exposure margin (Broker)

Total margin is collected to hold the position overnight which is also known as MARGIN under the products available at Fyers. If you choose the product code as INTRADAY instead of MARGIN while placing an order then you will get an additional leverage benefit of 40% of the total margin requirement. Fyers F&O Margin Calculator helps you fetch the margin requirements for Near, Next and Far month derivative contracts at just one go.

See the example below for NIFTY futures margin requirement.

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 Margin Calculator - Fyers[/caption]

Calendar Spreads - Margin Requirement:

Calendar spread is a position established by simultaneously entering a long position in futures or options expiring on a particular date along with a short position of the same underlying asset expiring another date or vice versa. This is also known as a horizontal spread which basically hedges your positions. We are among a handful of stockbrokers who provide the margin benefit on calendar spread positions.

Total Margin = SPAN margin (Exchange) + Exposure margin (Broker) – Spread benefit

Options Writing/Shorting Margin Requirement:

The total margin is collected on option writing/shorting which varies based on the underlying asset, volatility, expiry and more. It is like futures positions with some inherent differences due to the strike prices. For instance, deep in the money (ITM) options will require significantly more margins than say an Out of the Money (OTM) options. Total margin is collected to hold the position overnight which is also known as MARGIN under the products available at Fyers. If you choose the product code as INTRADAY instead of MARGIN while placing an order, you will get an additional leverage benefit of 40% of total margin requirement. If you need further clarification on the basics of options, I suggest you read our FAQs. We have covered many useful topics there.

As mentioned earlier in the post, we also have 43+ option strategies which are uniquely designed and explained with a step by step guide. If used correctly, it can be a potent weapon in the hands of an active option trader. A quick glimpse, before you get started.

Multi-Leg Options Strategies – Margin Requirements:

Using our unique Options Strategies Lab, you can enter options strategies with great ease. Since, it includes almost all possible types of strategies, you will need a clear understanding of how margins will be blocked and whether you will receive margin benefit for hedged positions. The exchange calculates risk & provides margin benefit for hedged positions based on SPAN calculations and their internal risk policies. I must highlight that the quantum of margin benefit is rather small due to their limitations. For instance, hedged positions can be squared off by traders at any time. Hence a substantial margin benefit is not provided to manage risk effectively. Speaking of risk management, I encourage you to look at some of our 4 legged options strategies:

Iron Condor
Reverse Iron Condor
Iron Butterfly
Reverse Iron Butterfly
Long Call Ladder
Long Put Ladder

Disclaimer: Fyers Margin Policies can change without prior notice as we dynamically manage risk according to the prevailing market conditions and regulatory requirements.

If you have any clarifications, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

Happy Trading!

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